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A study of TL and ESR characteristics of magnesium sulphate

作  者: ; ;

机构地区: 中山大学

出  处: 《核技术》 1996年第2期70-74,共5页

摘  要: 采用无水硫酸镁粉末样品,经60Coγ辐照后,进行热释光(TL)和电子自旋共振(ESR)平行研究.用热释光一般级动力学方程拟合热释光发光曲线,采用不同升温速率法计算出的陷阱深度和频率因子作为拟合初始值,得到三个基本发光峰的峰参数和陷阱参数。在室温或-150℃下观测ESR谱,并进行了恒温等时退火特性研究.用"复合作用响应函数"拟合TL/ESR剂量响应曲线,使用的γ辐射剂量范围为10-2×104Gy.结果表明:MgSO4三个TLk光峰的剂量响应均为超线性;ESR剂量峰/峰(g因子为2.0037)的剂量响应为亚线性;自旋产额相当高的g峰(g因子为1.9976)在本实验剂量范围内一直保持相当好的线性剂量响应。 The thermoluminescence(TL) and electron spin resonance(ESR) characteristics of anhydrous magnesium sulphate powder irradiated with 60Co γ-rays have been investigated.TL glow curves are deconvoluted by the general order kinetics equation into three elementary peaks,then the trap parameters are obtained for each peak by fitting and calculation with method of different heating rates.ESR spectra are me'asured at room temperature and -150℃,and isochronal annealing characteristics for irradiated MgSO4 samples has been investigated.The experimental data of TL and ESR dose-responses are fitted with a dose response function to get their nonlinear characteristic parameters,from which it is shown that TL dose-responses for three glow peaks are superlinear,while ESR dose-response for peak f (g=2.0037) appears sublinear and that for peak g(g=1.9976) remains linear at dose level up to 20 kGy.

关 键 词: 热释光 电子自旋共振 硫酸镁

领  域: [理学] [理学]


作者 吴绍祥
作者 李双胜


机构 华南理工大学化学与化工学院应用化学系
机构 华南理工大学材料科学与工程学院无机材料科学与工程系


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