作 者: ;
机构地区: 广东技术师范学院文学院
出 处: 《汕头大学学报(人文社会科学版)》 2005年第6期32-35,40,共5页
摘 要: 中国哲学的源与流,可以说皆由先秦诸子所奠定,《天下》篇作者以“以天为宗,以德为本”的精神,纵论天下诸子之学术;而且作者筚路蓝缕,《天下》篇也属中国学术史开山之作,其重要性可想而知。但如此重要的作品,在作者和内容评价上历来却存在着重大分歧,自“五四”进入“疑古”时代以后,分歧更加明显。文章分为两部分,一是对有关《天下》篇著作权的两派观点与论据进行梳理,并且从提供新资料入手,将《天下》篇著作权重归于庄周;二是以惠施为例证,对以胡适为代表用“科学主义”评价名家而至今仍一统天下的观点提出了质疑,认为这种所谓“科学主义”的评价,不仅是对诸子思想的误解,而且是扭曲了中国哲学应有的价值。 The sources and fluxes of the Chinese philosophy can be said to have started with the scholars in Pre_Qin period.The authors in Tianxia believe 'heaven as the origin and moral as the root.'They elaborate fully on the learning of all kinds.So Tianxia is the pioneering book in the history of Chinese learning.However,there exist enormous differences in looking at its authors and contents,especially after the May 4^(th) movement.This paper consists of two parts.The first part is focused on the authorship of Tianxia,and it holds that its author is Zhuang Zhou.The second part takes Hui Shi as an example to disprove the way that Hu Shi's scientism manipulates in commenting on well_known scholars,arguing that the judgment from the point of view of the so-called scientism is not only a misunderstanding of the Pre_qin scholars but also a distortion of the value that the Chinese philosophy deserves.
领 域: [文学]