机构地区: 大连理工大学机械工程学院
出 处: 《传感器技术》 2005年第12期35-37,共3页
摘 要: 通过分析压电式车削测力仪的基本结构及其数学模型和频率特性,设计了一种外型近似一把车刀的车削测力仪,利用有限元法对测力仪进行了静力学分析,优化了测力仪的结构尺寸,使测力仪的固有频率和灵敏度达到较为理想的状态,在此基础上,组建了压电测力系统,进行动/静态标定,取得了比较理想的结果,满足实际工程应用和测试研究的要求。 A new piezoelectric dynamometer on cutting is designed,which its structure is similar to a lathe tool, by analyzing basic structure of dynamometer and model of mathematics and frequency characteristic. The parameters of the elastic member are optimized to meet the needs of high sensitive and high inherent frequency based on the static analysis using finite element method. Dynamic and static calibration are done. The system of piezoelectric dynamometer is made. Ideal result is acquired. It can be applied in actual engineering and experiment research.
领 域: [机械工程]