机构地区: 中国科学院计算技术研究所
出 处: 《计算机科学》 2006年第1期1-3,共3页
摘 要: 形式逻辑已经从简单命题逻辑发展到比较复杂的模态逻辑系列。但是在主体环境下,已有逻辑的复杂性仍然不能有效刻画主体复杂的心智。有一些人工智能研究者根据主体心智的多重性,在模态逻辑中引入多种模态算子,并借此对主体加以刻画。但是原来的可能世界语义却难以容纳如此复杂的语法,出现了很多不合理的地方。本文首先介绍了新近出现的纤维逻辑(fibring logics),然后归纳了目前将此理论应用在主体 BDI 建模的研究现状,最后分析纤维逻辑的不足之处,讨论了其他可能的应用,并对今后的工作做了展望。 Formal logics in AI have grown from the simple proposition logic to modal logic series, which are more complicated. However, the complexity of existing logics is not sufficient for describing the mental states of Agent. Some AI researchers introduce multiple modal operators to modal logic according to multiple mental states of Agent. Meanwhile, the development of semantics is not so saisfactory, and the existing possible world semantics cannot hold so complicated a grammar, which results in several faults. Therefore, we will introduce fibring logics in this paper and describe how fibring logics can be compatible with the grammar of Agent. Furthermore, we will analyze the shortage of fibring logics, discuss other possible applications, and present some valuable work in future.