机构地区: 广东省水文局
出 处: 《水资源保护》 2006年第1期36-38,共3页
摘 要: 人为因素造成水质污染,引起河流(湖库)水体功能的衰退,导致可以利用的水量的减少。在水资源可利用量的基础上,提出有效水资源可利用量概念,给出计算方法及应用实例,并以水功能区为单元,进行水资源可利用量与有效水资源可利用量的分析。 Water pollution caused by human factors leads to the decreasing of available water resources and the function declining of water bodies, like rivers, lakes or reservoirs. The conception of effective water resources available was firstly proposed based on available water resources, and computation methods and application cases were given. Available water resources and effective water resources available were analyzed by using water functional district as the computation cell.
领 域: [水利工程]