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Rheology of compression of fruits and vegetables

作  者: ; ; ;

机构地区: 内蒙古农业大学食品科学与工程学院

出  处: 《华北农学报》 2004年第F12期60-63,共4页

摘  要: 全面分析了国内外关于各类果蔬研究的历史与现状,指出了存在的问题。即:1)研究的品种只集中在苹果、柑橘、梨、桃、草莓、马铃薯上;2)单纯地进行果蔬机械特性和流变力学损伤的研究:3)结合果蔬的热特性进行流变学损伤的研究甚少;4)只进行单果压缩试验,多果压缩试验未见报道。同时指出今后果蔬的流变学研究应加强的方面:1)根据西北地区区域种植特点与甜瓜独特的结构及生理特点.应加强甜瓜的流变学研究;2)对压缩期间甜瓜的细胞膨压变化、生化成分变化与流变损伤效应的交叉影响进行研究;3)结合果蔬物料的热特性进行甜瓜流变学损伤效应的研究;4)研究压缩后损伤的发展,为货架期的预测提供理论依据;5)以单果、多果压缩试验结论为基础,进行包装系统的优化设计。 The status quo and history of the studies on rheology of compression of fruits and vegetables is reviewed. Some problems are pointed out. Those are:1)All the studies have been focused on the few varieties of apples, oranges, berries, pears and peach and potatoes; 2) The mechanical properties and theological damage of the fruits and vegetables were studied without combining other properties. 3)The studies on rheological damages combining with thermal properties are very few; 4)Only compressions of single sample were studied, compressions of several samples have never been conducted. Some study directions to be taken in the future are pointed out: 1) The study of rheology on melons should be reinforced according to the physiological structure and plant characters of melons in north-west regions in China; 2)Rheological study on melons will be taken combining with the tissue turgor pressure change and biochemical changes during compression; 3)Rheological study on fruits should be taken combining with their thermal properties; 4) Damage development will be studied after compression in order to predict shelf-life of fruits ;5)Pakage system will be designed perfectly on the basis of compressive tests of both single sample and several samples.

关 键 词: 果蔬 甜瓜 压缩 流变 分析

领  域: [理学] [理学] [农业科学] [农业科学]


作者 郑克磊


机构 华南理工大学
机构 深圳信息职业技术学院


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