机构地区: 上海理工大学
出 处: 《上海理工大学学报(社会科学版)》 2005年第2期21-23,26,共4页
摘 要: 上海研发公共服务平台是我国第一个综合性的研发公共服务平台,由十个子系统构成,目的在于促进各类科技资沾的良性互动,为研究开发、创新创业提供各类信息和服务支撑。由于平台的建设和运行需要调动各方资源,涉及多个利益主体,故管理运行机制成为决定平台能否实现既定目标的关键。本文将平台视为一个复杂系统,综合权衡各利益主体之间的利益关系,运用措施优化组合技术进行管理运行机制设计,形成促进平台良性循环的制度体系。 Shanghai Infrastructure for Public Research and Development is the first synthesizes platform for public research and development in China, which is made up of 10 systems. We will promote the interaction of various technology resources, offer information and other service for innovation through the platform. Because the platform needs many resources and involves a lot of participants, the management mechanism becomes the key to realize its target. In this paper, we treat the platforms as a complicated system, on the base of analyzing the relationship of the participants, we use measure optimization grouping to design the management mechanism to promote the performance of the platform.
关 键 词: 上海研发公共服务平台 管理运行机制 设计构想 科技资源
领 域: [文化科学]