机构地区: 安徽农业大学生命科学学院
出 处: 《淮北煤炭师范学院学报(自然科学版)》 2005年第4期55-59,共5页
摘 要: 哈茨木霉是自然界中普遍存在并具有重要经济意义的一种丝状真菌,研究其对植物的生长所起的作用具有重要的应用价值和实际意义.试验应用本实验室自行配制的PDA培养基,采用液体发酵得到的哈茨木霉发酵产物,并用所得发酵产物处理玉米种子,研究木霉发酵产物对玉米萌发和苗期生长所产生的影响.结果表明:在试验的各处理中,除经哈茨木霉发酵产物原液处理的玉米苗的长势低于清水对照外,其它各组经木霉发酵液的稀释液处理的玉米种子的发芽势、生长势及叶绿素含量均较对照组有所增加,其中尤以50倍稀释液效果最好.说明哈茨木霉发酵产物适量浓度对玉米的发芽势、苗期生长、叶绿素含量均有显著的促进效果,显示了木霉在促进植物生长方面的潜能. Trichodeima hazianum is one kind of filamentous fungi existing in nature universally. It is worth to study its effects to the growth of plants. The fermentation production of Trichoderma hazianum produced by improved PDA formula was applied to the germination and seedling growth of corn. Result indicate, in the test each group has growed better than the branch water contrast by the. The fermentation production of Trichoderma hazianum. The germination energy and contect of chlorophyll of corn were enhanced than the contrast expect the group deal with the original fermentation production of Trichoderma hazianum, among them is diluted the liquid result best by 50 particularly. The result showed that the germination energy and contect of chlorophyll of corn were enhanced. But there was no significant increased in germination percentage. Trichoderma has real potential for plant promotion.
领 域: [生物学]