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Divarication and Cooperation of Nonproliferation Strategy between the EU and the U.S

作  者: ;

机构地区: 复旦大学

出  处: 《外交评论(外交学院学报)》 2005年第6期81-88,共8页

摘  要: “9.11”恐怖袭击发生后,美国和欧盟先后出台了各自的防扩散战略。欧美防扩散战略对WMD扩散的威胁认知、反对WMD扩散的行动方式、反对WMD扩散的主要政策措施和对待多边防扩散机制的方式等方面存在差异和分歧;由于欧美面临WMD扩散的共同威胁,双方又在北约防扩散,伊朗核问题和多边防扩散机制内展开了协调与合作。对威胁理解和安全理念的差异,欧洲多边主义与美国单边主义的对立,欧洲自主性与美国主导性的矛盾是欧美防扩散政策产生差异的重要原因。欧美现在的防扩散合作既有现实的基础,也存在诸多困难和不确定性。欧美防扩散合作的前景是建立跨大西洋防扩散战略同盟。 After the terrorist attacks of September 11, the U.S and the EU promulgated respective nonproliferation strategy successively. The EU and the U.S nonproliferation strategy's knowledge for WMD threat, manner of action against WMD proliferation, main policy measures against WMD proliferation and manner of the treatment of multilateral nonproliferation regimes, wherein exist differences and divarication. Based on facing common threats of WMD proliferation, the EU and the U.S also harmonize and cooperate in areas of NATO nonproliferation, Iran nuclear programme and muhilateral nonproliferation regimes. The differences of nonproliferation policies between the EU and the U.S in that different understanding and conception of common threat, conflict between unilateral and multilateral viewpoints, contravention between independence of the EU and dominance of the U.S. Nonproliferation cooperation between the EU and the U.S. has not only realistic basis, but also a number of difficulties and uncertainty. The prospect of the EU and the U.S nonproliferation cooperation is going to building a joint transatlantic nonproliferation strategic alliance.

关 键 词: 美国 欧盟 防扩散战略 军事战略 军事合作 安全观

领  域: [军事] [军事]


作者 费芸
作者 张东东
作者 马箫箫
作者 林世平
作者 汤幼梅


机构 广东外语外贸大学
机构 暨南大学
机构 中山大学
机构 华南师范大学
机构 暨南大学法学院


作者 周鑫
作者 陈贤波
作者 徐素琴
作者 陈静
作者 郭文伟