作 者: ;
机构地区: 东莞理工学院政法学院政法系
出 处: 《培训与研究(湖北教育学院学报)》 2005年第6期70-71,95,共3页
摘 要: 青年鲁迅发表于1907年的《科学史教篇》,距今虽百年之久,但鲁迅从西方科学发展的历程中吸取经验明鉴史教的深邃,透过眩目的物质成果以直探科学之本根的洞见,直击太实利太实用的国民心态的的笔触,寻求科学艺美文学协调发展以致人性之全的祈向,无不给今天的学人以多方面的启迪。 On History of Science written by young Luxun was published in 1907. Almost one hundred years ago, Luxun as a very smart young man found that we should learn from the history of the western seienee development to avoid the values of pragmatism and utilitarianism to pursuit the all-round development of the personality whieh still inspires us today.