机构地区: 广东畜牧技术推广总站广东广州510500
出 处: 《草原与草坪》 2005年第6期25-27,32,共4页
摘 要: 对广东地区地毯草野生种质资源的分布区域,群落组成以及生态特性等进行了调查和研究,结果表明:地毯草在广东的分布除了三连地区没有发现外,其他各地区都有分布.自然分布的地毯草群落主要分布于潮湿的河滩地、沟旁、路边、田坎、丘陵山地、山坡林地以及山谷地带,土壤pH 4.24~5.97.根据生境特点初步将地毯草野生种质资源划分为河滩草地型,疏林灌丛草地型和丘陵坡地型3种.地毯草群落结构中主要的优势植物种有竹节草、狗牙根、假俭草、双穗雀稗、两耳草以及百花地胆头等,其中以地毯草+竹节草+双穗雀稗和地毯草+竹节草+狗牙根两种群落组成类型较多.地毯草的耐旱、耐寒性一般,但具有非常好的耐淹、耐热、耐荫性以及耐贫瘠能力.地毯草丰富的群落特点和生态特性为培育有自主独立产权的地毯草新品种(品系)提供了有利的资源条件. The distribution, community features and ecological characteristics of wild Axonopus cornpressus in Guangdong were investigated and studied. The results showed that the Axonopus cornpressus was found in all Guangdong expect Sanlian region. The natural community mainly distributed in the damp areas,including the river bottomland, ditch wayside, field wayside,slope woodland and valley, the soil pH was ranged from 4.24 to 5.97. And the biological habitat of Axonopus cornpressus could be classified into three types: flood bed land type, open forest and shrub land type and hill and slope land type. The dominant species in Azonopus cornpressus community were Chrysopogon acicvlatvs , Cynodon dactylon , Erernochloa ophiuroides , Paspalurn paspaloides ,Paspalurn conjugaturn and Elephantopus tornentosus. The main vegetation types of Axonopus cornpressus community were Axonopus cornpressus + Chrysopogon aciculatus + Paspalurn paspaloides and Axonopus cornpressus +Chrysopogon aciculatus + Cynodon dactylon. The resistance of carpetgrass to dry and cold conditions were mild,but its resistances to flood,hot,shadow and poor fertility were quite strong. The abundant Axonopus cornpressus communities and ecological characteristics existed in wild germplasm resources offer an advantage to breed new varieties with autocephaly property right in our county.