机构地区: 华南师范大学物理与电信工程学院
出 处: 《物理实验》 2005年第12期42-43,共2页
摘 要: 将物体悬挂于电流表指针上,通电力矩平衡时物体质量与电流成线性关系,通过对悬挂于电流表指针上标准物体与待测物体平衡时产生的电流对比,求出待测物体质量. The measurement system contains an amperemeter and an object hung on the pointer of the amperemeter.When the system reaches equilibrium of moment,it is shown that the relationship between the mass of the object and the current is linear.So we can measure the mass of any unknown object by comparing its current and that of a standared object.
领 域: [电气工程]