机构地区: 江苏科技大学机械与动力工程学院
出 处: 《动力工程》 2005年第6期830-833,共4页
摘 要: 提出了一种反演计算不同炉气温度下非灰气体的当量吸收系数的方法。此方法以实验数据反演得到的非灰气体的当量吸收系数作为物性参数,由正演算计算不同条件下的炉气温度,并以此为定解条件,反演不同炉气温度下的非灰气体的当量吸收系数,反复迭代,直至收敛。反演计算过程中采用区域法与求目标函数最小值的共轭梯度法相结合的方法。与实验结果比较表明,该方法可以较为准确地反演不同炉气温度下的非灰气体的当量吸收系数。最后,用该方法计算并比较了非灰气体的当量吸收系数随炉气温度的变化。 An inverse calculation method is presented for determining the equivalent gray absorption coefficient of gases under various furnace gas temperature conditions. An non-gray gas equivalent absorption coefficient is first obtained from experimental data by inverse calculation, which is then taken as the gas radiation parameter for calculating the temperature field; the latter being in a next step taken as the given condition for once again calculating the gray the gray absorption coefficient by inverse calculation. This iterative procedure is to be continued until convergence is obtained. The inversion problem is solved by the field and conjugate gradient method, in which the latter is used for calculating the minimum performance function. A comparison with test results shows that this way of inverse calculation can effectively be used for determining more accurately the non-gray gas equivalent absorption coefficient under different furnace gas temperature conditions. Figs 2, tables 2 and refs 9.
关 键 词: 动力机械工程 辐射反问题 非灰气体的当量吸收系数 区域法 炉气温度