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Identification, Genetic Analysis and Gene Mapping of Dominant Earliness in Rice (Oryza sativa L)

作  者: ; ; ; ; ;

机构地区: 黑龙江八一农垦大学

出  处: 《中国农学通报》 2005年第11期60-63,共4页

摘  要: 品种生育期是水稻最重要的农艺性状之一,通过遗传育种方法改变品种的生育期,特别是缩短生育期.对水稻生产的发展具有重要意义。研究材料乐香202B是由乐山市农科所提供的早熟稳定性较好的品种.对其研究表明,乐香202B具显性早熟基因,经遗传分析表明,符合3:1分离比,且不具感光性及胞质效应。将该基因初步定位在染色体第2染色体短臂端,暂定名为Ef-2(x)。与微卫星标记RM279、RM154有连锁关系,遗传距离分别为13.5cM和8.9cM。该基因的定位为下一步的基因分离和克隆奠定了基础。 Growth duration is one of the important agronomic traits in rice. Breeding for growth duration, especially for earliness, is very important to the development of rice production. The earliness trait of Lexiang 202B was controlled by one dominant major gene. The segregation ratio of early to late heading plants in the F2 populations fitted the ratio of 3:1. As a resuh, SSR marker RM279 and RM154 were found linked to the dominant earliness gene in Lexiang202B, the gene was located on the top arm of the second chromosome in flee, and its heredity distance to RM279 was 13.5 cM and to RM154 was 8.9cM. The earliness gene was named as Ef-2(x).

关 键 词: 水稻 生育期 遗传分析 基因定位

领  域: [农业科学] [农业科学]




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