作 者: ;
机构地区: 广州大学外国语学院
出 处: 《辽宁师范大学学报(社会科学版)》 2005年第6期95-97,共3页
摘 要: 世界各民族文化有共性也有个性。共性是有限的,个性是丰富的、广泛存在的。多样的个性造就了各民族间灿烂多姿的文化特性,同时也导致了不同文化间饱含文化内涵的文化空缺词的大量涌现。强烈的民族性障碍了跨文化交际中译者的有效性。然而译者并非弱者,而是具有主体创造意识的能动者。译者可以根据自己的审美意识按照源语文化空缺中所蕴涵的艺术动机和美学价值,以最接近于原著的艺术效果的方式,消除读者的意义真空,传达源语空缺词所蕴涵的意义和文化信息,实现译语对源语空缺词的调变与美的顺应。 There are more dissimilarities than similarities in different national cultures. Various cultural characteristics brings about a large number of cultural gaps while creating the splendid cultures between nations and the great cultural differences form an obstacle to the validity of translation. The translator, who plays a positive role in translation, is able to give his aesthetic perception full play and allow readers to appreciate the beauty of the factors contained in the source language by adapting translation to the cultural factors and beauty in the ,source language.
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