机构地区: 西南林学院生态旅游学院
出 处: 《热带地理》 2005年第4期384-388,共5页
摘 要: 以县级城镇蒙自为例,通过对问卷调查和访谈结果的分析,找出县级城镇居民工作日和休息日休闲活动的空间结构特征,并从居民的年龄、经济收入、家庭结构、受教育程度、职业、性别等人口社会特征角度,探讨其对休闲活动的空间结构的影响。此结论可以为经济欠发达地区县级城镇进行城市休闲设施的供给和空间布局提供理论依据。 Investigation has been made on the recreation space of the residents in Mengzi, Yunnan. It is found that most of the residents spend their leisure time in the surrounding areas of not more than 3 kilometers in distance. Six factors can influence the recreation activities of the residents, which include age, income, family structure, education, career and sex of the residents. Among those factors, age and income are the primary ones. The travel distance of the residents appears to be opposite to the number of tourists. Those resuhs can be used as some theoretical foundation for construction of recreation facilities and urban planning in underdeveloped areas.