机构地区: 华南师范大学经济与管理学院
出 处: 《应用心理学》 2005年第3期276-281,253,共7页
摘 要: 采用经典的卡特尔16PF人格特征测验,对298名来自上海和广州的地铁驾驶员进行职业人格特征研究。研究结果发现,与全国成人常模比较,地铁驾驶员具有行业独特的职业人格特征。进一步运用因子分析技术发现,我国地铁驾驶员的职业人格特征主要由自制性、支配性、自立性、现实理智、社会智能五个因素构成,它们解释了总变异的60.162%。这一结果基本建构了我国地铁驾驶员的职业人格特征模型,可以为选拔和评价地铁驾驶员提供科学的参考。 The Sixteen Personality Factor Test (16PF) was used to investigate the personality factors of 298 metro-drivers from Shanghai and Guangzhou. The primary analysis suggested that metro-drivers were different from normal people in several personality factors. Further investigation into the data by factor analysis showed that the personality factors of metro-drivers in our country were mainly composed of self-control, domination, independence, impressionability and social intelligence,which explained 60.162% of the variance. The results led to the personality model of metro-drivers.