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Restoration of Jurassic-Late Cretaceous basin prototype in West Linqing Depression, Bohai Bay Basin

作  者: ; ; ; ; ;

机构地区: 中国科学院广州地球化学研究所

出  处: 《石油勘探与开发》 2005年第3期15-22,共8页

摘  要: 综合地质、地震、测井等资料,运用多种技术方法和手段,对渤海湾盆地临清坳陷西部的侏罗纪、早白垩世和晚白垩世原型盆地的地层剥蚀厚度、原始沉积厚度、盆地边界、沉积相展布特征、盆地类型等进行了恢复和分析。结果表明:侏罗系剥蚀厚度一般在200~1000m,原始沉积厚度约1000~1500m,厚度稳定,以河湖交互沉积为主,是在印支期形成的向斜坳陷背景上发育的断陷盆地;下白垩统剥蚀厚度一般为1000~2000m,原始沉积厚度约2000~4500m,厚度变化较大,发育面积较大的湖泊,有较深湖相沉积,为一断陷型盆地;上白垩统剥蚀厚度一般为1000~2000m,原始沉积厚度约1000~4000m,仅分布在南部的丘县凹陷,主要是河流相沉积,局部发育浅湖相沉积,是在晚白垩世隆起背景上发育的小型断陷盆地。在此基础上,结合分析化验资料研究油气成藏条件和规律。临清坳陷西部中生界主要存在下白垩统和侏罗系两大套烃源岩,主要分布于丘县凹陷和南宫凹陷,有机质丰度较低,热演化程度较高,可能正处于生油高峰阶段,油气藏类型主要有自生自储型和潜山型。 With the geology, seismic and well log data, the strata erosion thickness, original sedimentary thickness, basin boundary, depositional facies distribution and basin type of Jurassic-Late Cretaceous basin prototype in Linqing Depression is restored and analyzed. The Jurassic formation is fault basin developed within syncline formed during Indo-Chinese movement, which are mainly alternative fluvial and lake deposition with strata erosion thickness of 200-1000m and stable original sedimentary thickness of 1000-1500m. The Lower Cretaceous formation is fault basin with erosion thickness of 1000-2000m and original sedimentary thickness of 2000-4500m. The Upper Cretaceous formation is small fault basin with erosion thickness of 1000-2000m and original sedimentary thickness of 1000-4000m. Lower Cretaceous and Jurassic mainly distribute in Nangong and Qiuxian Sag. The organic matter abundance is low and thermal evolution is high and probably at peak stage of oil generation. The reservoirs are mainly self-generation-accumulation reservoirs and buried hill reservoirs.

关 键 词: 临清坳陷西部 原型盆地 侏罗纪 早白垩世 晚白垩世

领  域: [天文地球] [天文地球]




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