机构地区: 中南大学材料科学与工程学院
出 处: 《轻合金加工技术》 2005年第11期41-45,共5页
摘 要: 采用紧凑拉伸法对Al-9.5Zn-2.3Mg-1.8Cu-0.11Zr超高强铝合金的断裂韧性进行测试,探讨其测试方法及数据处理方法。结果表明,建立的疲劳裂纹预置前实验负载估算公式能减小试验工作量,有实际应用价值;与传统的三线平均法相比,紧凑拉伸后等效疲劳裂纹长度确定的积分法得到的条件断裂韧性值更为合理。 The fracture toughness of Al-9.5Zn-2.3Mg-1.8Cu-0.11Zr alloy was measured using a compact tension specimen method, the method of data measurement and data processing was studied as welt. Experimental results show that a new formula for predicting load before fatigue crack pre-setting has been proposed, the conditional fracture toughness value gotten by an integral method is more coincident with experimental data than traditional method.
领 域: [金属学及工艺]