机构地区: 华南农业大学资源环境学院植物病理学系
出 处: 《中国森林病虫》 2005年第6期34-37,共4页
摘 要: 林间调查结果表明:德葆苏铁Cycas debaoensis、四川苏铁C.szechuanensis、十万大山苏铁C.shiwandashanica为苏铁镰刀菌Fusarium solani球茎腐烂病易发病种类;海南苏铁C.hannanen-sis、元江苏铁C.parvulus和叉叶苏铁C.micholitzii是中等感病品种;越南苏铁C.tonkinensis、贵州苏铁C.guizhouensis、叉孢苏铁C.segmentifida、攀枝花苏铁C.panzhihuaensis、仙湖苏铁C.fairylakea、石山苏铁C.miquelii、单羽苏铁C.simplicipinna、多羽苏铁C.multiflrondis为较抗病品种;苏铁C.revoluta和鳞秕苏铁Zamia purouracea是高度抗病品种。在空气干燥的月份,以切除病部+75%酒精表面消毒+涂上含有杀虫剂的50%多菌灵WP处理最好,防治效果100%。在雨水多的月份,以切除病部+75%酒精表面消毒+涂上含有杀虫剂的50%多菌灵粉剂+透光防雨罩处理最好,防治效果83.3%。在化学防治过程中,关键要做到病部切除彻底、表面消毒彻底、防治用的药剂充足,避免后期新伤口产生,才能有效地治疗发病苏铁。 Field survey showed that Cycas debaoensis, C. szechuanensis, C. shiwandashanica were susceptible to Fuarium solani. The susceptibility of C. micholitzii , C. hannanensis , C. parvulus was moderate and C. tonhinensis, C. guizhouensis, C. segmentifida , C. panzhihuaensis, C. fairylahea , C. miquelii , C. simplicipinna , C. multiflrondis were resistant; C. revoluta and Zamia purouracea were highly resistant. In dry season, completely cutting rotten stem tissues of cycas, sterilizing the wounds with 75% alcohol for 30 seconds, then painting fungicide carbendazim mixed with insecticide and quick lime on them were the best choice to control the disease while in humid season, it should be done under the white plastic cover. The key was to cut off whole rotten tissues of cycas and sterilize completely, then paint enough fungicides and insecticide on the wounds.