机构地区: 西北农林科技大学人文学院
出 处: 《中国农学通报》 2005年第9期439-442,共4页
摘 要: 保护被征地农民利益,关键是要建立科学的农地征用制度。而我国现行的农地征用制度不合理,不利于保障被征地农民利益。完善现行农地征用制度,关键是要严格控制土地征用范围;完善土地征用补偿机制;完善征地程序,赋予被征地农民知情权、参与权和起诉权;建立健全失地农民社会保障制度。 Establishing scientific farming land Solicit system is the key to Protecting lost land peasants' benefit. But current farming land Solicit system is not reasonable, and disadvantage in Protecting solicited land peasant's benefit. Now we should control land Solicit scope strictly; perfect land Solicit Compensate system; improve solicit land program, compose peasant knowing right, participating in right and bringing the suit right; perfect lost land peasant's social security system.