机构地区: 华南理工大学电子与信息学院
出 处: 《桂林电子工业学院学报》 2005年第5期40-42,共3页
摘 要: 为提高EBCOT位平面编码效率,提出一种适用于灰度图像可分级编码的快速扫描法。通过在第一通道生成列省略标志的游程表,实现第二、第三通道的启发式扫描,实验结果表明在相同的压缩比下,图像质量不受影响,与K.Chen等人提出的GOCS方法比较,三通道扫描时间可缩短约6%. In order to improve EBCOT's encoding efficiency, a fast bit-plane scanning algorithm tor gray images is proposed. The main objective is to generate the run length query table of column skipping sign in Passl so as for the heuristic scanning to be fulfilled in Pass2 and Pass3. The experiment results show that the whole scanning time of three passes is shorter by 6% than that by the method of GOCS proposed by K. Chen without prejudice to the image quality at the same compression ratio.
关 键 词: 优化截取的嵌入式块编码 三通道扫描 游程表