机构地区: 怀化学院
出 处: 《辽东学院学报(社会科学版)》 2005年第5期30-34,共5页
摘 要: 文章从电视文艺传播的角度对90年代文学文本传播的衰落进行了解析,认为90年代文学文本传播的衰落在很大程度上与电子媒介传播———主要是电视文艺传播的兴起有相当的关系。除了最基本的经济方面的原因之外,还有就比较而言,电子媒介———电视在主动性、易解性、娱乐性、快捷性方面都占有很多的传播优势,所以它从某种程度上侵蚀掉了文学文本传播中的受众。从传播学意义上来说,文学文本传播的衰落带来了三个方面的(媒介本身,受众,传播内容)负面影响,如图像传播的扩张,受众个性的被销蚀以及其自由选择权的丧失,传播内容的低俗化等。 The fall of literature context dissemination in 1990's is analyzed. It is suggested that the rise of electronic media especially TV media is closely related to the fall. Besides the economic factor, TV communication has more advantages than that of the context in its go - ahadism, legibility, entertainment and promptness, and consequently some audience are won over to it. The fall of literature context dissemination brings some unfaorable effects to the expansion of the image communication, the erosion of the audience's individuality, the deprivencess of audience's right of free choice, and the philistinism of the literature context, etc.
领 域: [文化科学]