机构地区: 广州城市职业学院生物与环境工程系
出 处: 《安徽农业科学》 2005年第10期1885-1886,1892,共3页
摘 要: 研究了锥栗在贮藏过程中,不同处理条件和有无硅窗薄膜袋包装对其水分含量的影响。试验采用称重法求锥栗的失重率,比较了两种不同包装对锥栗失水的抑制效果,并建立失重模型来描述锥栗失重的影响因素和机理。 The losing weight controlled by two kinds of packages and different measures were studied. The rate of losing weight was gained by weighting the materials in the experiment, the effect of different measures and the two kinds of packages in the control of the losing weight was compared, and the facts affecting the rate of the losing weight was described by forming the losing weight model.