机构地区: 上海交通大学电子信息与电气工程学院区域光纤通信网与新型光通信系统国家重点实验室
出 处: 《光电子.激光》 2005年第10期1139-1143,共5页
摘 要: 通过实验发现了高频CO2激光脉冲制备的长周期光纤光栅(LPFGs)的弯曲特性具有明显的弯曲方向性:即当其向不同的方向弯曲时,其谐振波长和损耗峰值的变化对应的弯曲灵敏度不同,并且在两个弯曲方向上最敏感,而在另外两个弯曲方向最不敏感。本文根据此独特性质,提出了不仅可以测量弯曲曲率而且可以同时判别弯曲方向的传感器,该弯曲传感器由2个具有弯曲方向相关性的LPFG和1个没有弯曲方向相关性的LPFG组成。结果表明,它克服了其它弯曲传感器只能测量弯曲曲率或只能判别弯曲方向的缺点。 It is discovered independently that the bend-sensitivity of long period fiber gratings(LPFGs) written by the high-frequency CO2 laser pulses depends strongly on the bending direction-That is,the bend-sensitivities of the resonant wavelength and amplitude are various to different bend-directions. Furthermore,there are two orientations corresponding the most bend-sensitive, and other two orientations corresponding the most bend-insensitive. Based on the unique bend characteristics, it is proposed and demonstrated that a novel long period fiber grating sensor can measure the bend-curvature and determine benddirection simultaneously. Such a bend sensor consists of two LPFGs fabricated by the highfrequency CO2 laser pulses and one LPFG fabricated by other fabrication technique.
关 键 词: 长周期光纤光栅 光纤布拉格光栅 激光 光纤传感器 弯曲传感器
领 域: [电子电信]