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Observation and Comparison on Different Strains of Candida Albicans

作  者: ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;

机构地区: 赣南医学院

出  处: 《赣南医学院学报》 2005年第4期429-431,共3页

摘  要: 目的:观察白假丝酵母菌标准菌株(CCCMC1a、ATCC 14053)与临床分离菌株(C1-1、C1-2、 C1-3 、C1-4)于不同条件下荚膜层的厚度变化.方法:(1)将实验菌种沙保氏琼脂36小时培养物用生理盐水配成约含1×109个/ml的菌悬液,家兔耳缘静脉注射,1ml/只,同时用BALB/c小鼠腹腔注射,0.5ml/只;待实验动物发病后解剖动物,分别取家兔肾组织印片及小鼠腹腔液涂片进行Hiss荚膜染色镜检,用显微测微计测量荚膜层的厚度,各菌株随机计数40个酵母细胞的荚膜层的厚度值,取各菌株荚膜层厚度的均值进行比较. (2)实验菌株沙保氏液体培养物与同一菌株的抗血清作荚膜肿胀实验及血清交叉实验,Hiss荚膜染色镜检.荚膜层厚度的测量与计算方法同前.结果:(1)标准菌株与临床分离菌株在家兔及小白鼠体内均可形成荚膜,荚膜层的厚度可因不同菌种(株)和不同环境而有差异(均值在0.25~0.58μm不等;P<0.01或<0.05),边界明显.(2)用全菌抗血清作荚膜肿胀实验,可见菌细胞的荚膜明显加宽,且菌株之间可出现交叉阳性.结论:白假丝酵母菌的荚膜厚度可因不同菌种(株)和不同环境而有差异;荚膜肿胀实验显示各菌株除与相应抗血清作用出现荚膜肿胀实验阳性外菌株之间还可出现血清交叉阳性. Objective: To observe the thickness of the capsule of the standard strain(CCCMC1a,ATCC14053)and the clinical isolation strain (C1 - 1, C1 - 2, C1 - 3, C1 - 4)of candida albicans in different condition. Methods:The strains smeared on sabourand ager medium for 36h are diluted into the bacterial solution of 1×109/ml by physiological saline, lml of this solution is injected in a rabbit' s verge vein of ear, and 0.5ml in a mouse' s abdominal cavity. After the animal episoded, we dissected them and the mouse' s pyoperitoneum. The thickness of capsule can be observed by Hiss capsule stain, microscopic observation, and be surveyed by microscopic surveying instrument. The thickness of a specirnan's average capsule defined by the average thickness of 40 sacccharomycetic cell is compared with the others. Results: (1)The standard strain and the clinical isolation strain can be capsule both in infected mouse and rabbit. The thickness of the capsule is changeable because of different strains and conditions(the average: 0. 25-0.58μm, P〈 0.01 or P〈 0.05). (2)Capsule swelling experiment shows that there are intersect positive reaction between the strain specimen. Conclusion: the thickness of the capsule of candida albicans is changeable because of different strains and conditions. Capsule swelling experiment shows that there are intersect positive reaction between the strain specimen.

关 键 词: 白假丝酵母菌 荚膜 厚度 动物实验 荚膜肿胀实验

领  域: [理学] [理学]


作者 李鹏博
作者 刘忠伟
作者 田祯祥
作者 宋德军
作者 徐晓阳


机构 华南师范大学体育科学学院
机构 肇庆医学高等专科学校
机构 东莞理工学院体育系
机构 华南师范大学
机构 广州体育学院


作者 刘广平
作者 彭刚
作者 杨科
作者 陈艺云
作者 崔淑慧