作 者: ;
机构地区: 首都师范大学历史系
出 处: 《华侨华人历史研究》 2005年第3期25-33,共9页
摘 要: 国民参政会是抗战时期的一个统一战线组织,华侨是中国抗战的重要力量,因此,每届国民参政会,针对如何团结华侨问题都有大量的提案。在太平洋战争爆发以前,提案的主题主要围绕怎样发动华侨支持抗战而展开;在太平洋战争爆发以后,提案的主题主要转变为怎样支持华侨及准备支持华侨的复员工作。本文主要分析国民参政员在这两个不同的时期关于华侨问题提案的特点以及参政员对华侨统战思想侧重点的变化。 The National Political Assembly (NPA) was a united organization of all anti-Japan parties with the aim to bring together the whole nation to fight against the Japanese aggressors. During the wartime, there were a lot of proposals in every conference on the overseas Chinese, since they were an important force in the struggle. Before the Pacific War, how to encourage overseas Chinese to support the Anti-Japanese War was the most important subject of the proposals. The topic was changed to how to support the overseas Chinese and to prepare for their demobilization after the war. The article tries to point out the characteristics of the proposals in the two periods thus to analyze the change of the emphasis of the National Political Assemble.