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Composition and structure of the arthropod community in Phyllostachys heterocycla cv.pubescens forest

作  者: ; ; ; (陈清林); (吴庆锥);

机构地区: 福建农林大学

出  处: 《生态学报》 2005年第9期2272-2283,共12页

摘  要: 通过对福建三明和沙县23块毛竹林试验标准地节肢动物群落1a的系统调查,结果表明:竹冠层节肢动物隶属于3纲、21目、124科、332种,林下层节肢动物隶属于3纲、22目、130科、349种。竹冠层和林下层类群分别有92.77%和94.54%的物种为稀有种或偶见种,林下层类群种-丰盛度关系符合对数正态分布。二类群目或功能集团的科、物种的数量分布相近,个体数量分布差异大。竹冠层类群以蜱螨目和同翅目为主,林下层类群以蜘蛛目、膜翅目、同翅目和双翅目为主。前者的科、物种以及个体数的益害比分别为1∶1.18、1∶0.83和1∶4.62,后者为1∶0.91、1∶0.85和1∶0.55。竹冠层类群的物种多样性和均匀度均显著低于林下层类群,植食性集团多样性在林下层类群各功能集团中最高,在竹冠层类群中则最低。群落和功能集团各参数对二类群多样性的影响均以相应类群总体的均匀度最大,功能集团因子中均以相应类群蜘蛛类的均匀度最大。人为排除群落优势种后,二类群的多样性均显著增加,但林下层类群增加的幅度显著低于竹冠层类群。植食性和中性集团作为空间食物种类资源能显著促进群落容纳较多天敌物种,天敌对二集团的空间数量跟随效应强,二集团与天敌的多样性之间相互促进。 The bamboo of Phyllostachys. heterocycla cv. pubescens was one of the most important forest resources in South China known for its broad distribution, high output and significant economic value. Based on a systematic investigation at 23 representative sampling sites in the P. heterocycla cv. pubescens forest in Sanming and Saxian, Fujian, P R China from 2001 to 2002, the composition and structure of the arthropod community were examined and analyzed in order to control major pests, such as Pantana phyllostachysae, Kuwanaspis vermiformis, Aponychus corpuzae and Schizotetranychus nanjingensis etc. These pests have badly infested the bamboo leaves in recent years. The results showed that there were 84,352 arthropod individuals collected from the canopy of forest belonging to 3 classes, 21 orders, 124 families and 332 species, and 12,824 individuals from the underlayer of forest belonging to 3 classes, 22 orders, 130 families and 349 species. Percentage of the haphazard and rare species number to the total was 92.77% in the canopy, and 94.54% in the underlayer. The relationship between species and its relative abundance fitted the logarithmic normal pattern well for the underlayer sampling. The numeric distribution characteristics of familv and species in the samples from the canopy and the underlaver were verv similar. However, the distribution of the individuals showed significant difference. The dominant orders in the canopy were Acarina and Homoptera, and in the underlayer Arancuda, Hymenoptera, Homopteraand Dipetera. Ratios of the number of the beneficial to the harmful families, species and individuals in the canopy were 1 : 1.18, 1 : 0.83 and 1 : 4.62, respectively. Those in the underlayer were 1 : 0.91, 1 :0.85 and 1 : 0.55, respectively. Species diversity and evenness of the arthropods in the canopy were all much lower than those in the underlayer. But the dominant concentration of species was much higher in the underlayer. Among all functional groups, species diversity of the herbivores was the

关 键 词: 毛竹 节肢动物 群落 物种多样性

领  域: [生物学] [农业科学]


作者 莫世祥
作者 罗成
作者 曹宗平
作者 孙广勇


机构 华南理工大学
机构 广东培正学院
机构 暨南大学
机构 东南大学人文学院
机构 中山大学


作者 丁培强
作者 李振义
作者 吴晨
作者 张琳
作者 吴肖林