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Emission and Source Characterization of Monoaromatic Hydrocarbons from Coke Production

作  者: ; ; ; ;

机构地区: 中国科学院广州地球化学研究所

出  处: 《环境科学》 2005年第5期17-21,共5页

摘  要: 通过不锈钢采样罐采样和液氮预浓缩/气相色谱/质谱系统分析,研究我国山西某地的土法炼焦和机械炼焦生产过程中单环芳烃(MAHs)的排放情况.炼焦过程MAHs以苯、甲苯、(间+对)-二甲苯为主要成分,苯和总MAHs浓度在土法炼焦烟气中最高达3421.0μg/m3和4865.9μg/m3,在机械炼焦无组织排放气体和烟气中分别为548.7μg/m31、054.8μg/m3和1376.4μg/m3、1819.4μg/m3.焦炭生产过程中MAHs浓度变化显著:土法炼焦过程MAHs前期释放浓度高于后期;机械炼焦无组织排放MAHs在装煤和出焦时明显升高;而机械炼焦烟气中则是装煤时最高,出焦时最低.苯、甲苯、乙苯和二甲苯(BTEX)散点图和相关性分析显示机械炼焦释放MAHs主要来自煤的高温分解,而土法炼焦中MAHs释放则可能除焦煤不完全燃烧释放外还受别的因素影响.苯/甲苯/乙苯/二甲苯比值(B/T/E/X)特别是苯/乙苯(B/E)值显示炼焦释放的MAHs具有不同于其它来源的特征. Monoaromatic hydrocarbons (MAHs) from indigenous and industrial coking processes are studied in Shanxi province. They are sampled on the top of coke ovens and in the chimneys using stainless steel canister and determined by GC/MSD after preconcentration with liquid nitrogen. Benzene, toluene and xylene are the main components among MAils emitted from coking processes. Benzene and the total MAils concentrations were as high as 3 421.0μg/m^3 and 4 865.9μg/m^3 in the air from indigenous coking, 548.7μg/m^3 and 1 054.8μg/m^3 in the oventop air from industrial coking, and 1 376.4μg/m^3 and 1 819.4μg/m^3 in stack gas from industrial coking, respectively. The MAils concentrations vary greatly during the indigenous coking process, which in the prophase (from firing to 10 days) is obviously higher than in the anaphase (10 days to quenching the coke). In industrial coking the MAHs in the oventop air are highest when charging the coal and next when transferring the hot coke, but in stack gas they are highest when charging coal and lowest when transferring the coke. Benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene and xylene (BTEX) in industrial coking samples show good linearity, indicating that MAils in industrial coking might come predominantly from coal pyrolysis; but BTEX distribute dispersedly in indigenous coking samples, indicating that its emission might be affected by many factors. In all samples BTEX ratios especially high B/E ratio, is unique among MAils sources, and might be helpful to characterize pollution from coking.

关 键 词: 土法炼焦 机械炼焦 单环芳烃 相关性分析 甲苯 乙苯 二甲苯比值

领  域: [环境科学与工程]




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