机构地区: 仲恺农业技术学院农业与园林学院植保系
出 处: 《华南农业大学学报》 1996年第2期65-69,共5页
摘 要: 广州市郊自1988年以来,番石榴茎溃疡病十分严重,全年发生。1994年调查,4年以上的树病株率达70%以上,6年以上的树死株现象普遍。研究证明该病是真菌病害,病原菌是Botryosphaeriarhodina(Cke,)V,Arx,无性态是BotryodiplodiatheobromaePat.。为害树干、树枝,表现溃疡裂皮;侵害果实呈果腐。在患病树干、树枝和果实上均可形成有性态和无性态。一般不侵染荔枝、芒果、龙眼、黄皮、人心果、番木瓜、橙等果树的树干,也不侵染芋头。但可导致多种热带、亚热带水果腐烂. Psidium stem canker disease was serious yearly in the orchards of guava in the suburban dis-tricts of Guangzhou since 1988.It was proved as a fungous disease and the causal organismwas Botryosphaeria rhodina(Cke.)v.Arx,anamoph:Botryodiplodia theobromae Pat.Thefungus caused stem canker and longitudinal crack on trunks and twigs,and caused fruitsrotted.Both telemorph and anamorph of the pathogen could produee on the diseasedtrunks,twigs and fruits.According to the investigation in 1994,the pereent age ofdiseased trees grown above 4 years-old was over 70%,and many died in those of 6years-old.The test also showed that the fungus did not infect the trunk of Litchi,Mango,Longan,Orange,Chinese wampee,Papaya and Sapodilla and did not infect thecorm of Taro,but could cause fruit-rotted in tropical and subtropical fruit crops.