机构地区: 北京外国语大学中国外语教育研究中心
出 处: 《山西师大学报(社会科学版)》 2005年第5期140-143,共4页
摘 要: 习语是高度规约化的特殊语言表达,在回顾前人对习语研究的基础上,笔者认为:(1)西方学者提出理解习语意义的认知机制可以解释为种种联想关系;(2)常规知识不应被看作是与隐喻、转喻处于同一层次的认知机制,而是涵盖了前两者的一个认知意义上更大的范畴,对于习语甚至于其它语言现象的认知都是基于这一广阔的知识层面上的。本文通过对480名英语及非英语专业大学生的英语习语认知测试的结果分析,旨在从本质上揭示基于人类知识层面上的联想认知机制对于破译英语习语意义的决定性作用,从而证明认知语义学对提高习语学习的效度有很大的理论价值。 This paper intends to make a study of the highly conventionalized English idioms from a cognitive semantic view. While basing their study on the western cognitive linguists, the authors also offer two suggestions: 1 ) the cognitive mechanisms on which most idioms are based can be explained as relations of “psychological association” ; 2) conventional knowledge cannot be regarded as a cognitive mechanism being placed at the same level as the other two mechanisms of metaphor and metonymy, it is a larger category which should superpose or govern the above two and serve as the solid basis for the interpretation of English idioms and other language phenomena. The present study also bases itself on an experiment, the results of which show that some laws of kssociation’ based on conventional knowledge usually play a decisive role in the production and interpretation of English idioms. The experimental study has proved that cognitive semantics can facilitate the teaching and learning of idioms for English