作 者: ;
机构地区: 信阳师范学院文学院
出 处: 《语言教学与研究》 2005年第4期31-39,共9页
摘 要: 目前对兼类词性质的认识大体相同,但对兼类现象的具体处理不尽一致。本文在全面统计两种词表的基础上,得到兼类现象中以名、动、形兼类为主而动名兼类最多的认识。在常用词范围内,两种词表对名、动、形兼类的处理全同的只占三分之一左右。文章还提出名、动、形兼类处理的原则和方法:根据现代大众一般语感,以发生明显的语义转类为标准,参考权威的语文词典释义,或采用调查统计法。 There is a general agreement on the nature of words holding two or more classes but ways of handling them are different. Based on the statistical analysis of the two wordlists, we arrive at the conclusion that those holding two or more classes, those holding noun, verb or adjective classes form the majority, and those holding noun and verb classes are largest in number. Within the range of common words in the two wordlists, only one third of the words holding noun, verb or adjective classes are completely the same. We put forward the principle and method of dealing with the words holding noun, verb or adjective classes: When handling these words, reseachers should rely on the language intuition of the general public, take transference of semantic type as standard, refer to authoritative Chinese dictionaries, or employ the methods of investigation and statistical analysis.