作 者: ;
机构地区: 广东警官学院
出 处: 《政法学刊》 2005年第4期123-124,共2页
摘 要: 信息时代图书馆采编对象扩大,馆藏方式多种多样,采编工作人员角色变化,传统采编工作已不适应新形势的需要,应对新形势下采编工作进行革新,才能更好地完成业务工作,推动图书馆事业的发展。 The subjects of compilation extend in information age. The library storage varies and the role of working personnel changes. The traditional compilation mode cannot adapt to the needs of the new situation. Only by reforming the compilation mode to adapt to the new situation, can the working personnel finish their task better and promote the development of library.
领 域: [文化科学]