机构地区: 海南师范大学生命科学学院生物系
出 处: 《四川动物》 2005年第3期333-336,F0003,共5页
摘 要: 应用行蜡常规切片,HE染色,对蜡皮蜥的消化系统组织结构进行了观察。结果表明:消化道管壁除口咽腔外,其余由粘膜层、粘膜下层、肌层和浆膜层组成;不同部位的消化道管壁厚度各不相同,其中胃壁最厚,幽门胃壁厚达658.0μm,其次为大肠和食道,分别为393.3μm和215.9μm,小肠壁最薄,约为126.8μm皱襞的发达程度也随消化道的部位不同而有所差异,十二指肠皱襞数量最多,约为27~42个,平均高度为733.2μm,其次分别为回肠、口咽腔和食道,大肠皱襞数量最少约为3~11个,平均高度为484.2μm;食道上皮为复层鳞状上皮细胞,口咽腔、胃、小肠和大肠上皮均为单层柱状上皮;食道和大肠上皮的杯状细胞较多,密度分别为927个/mm^2、899个/mm^2;肝脏中色素细胞发达并含大量深色颗粒,胰脏泡心细胞较少且胰岛不发达,肝脏小叶和胰脏小叶界限不清晰。这充分说明了蜡皮蜥消化系统的组织结构特征与其食性和生态习性相适应,与鸟类和哺乳动物相比,具有一定的不完善性和低等性。 In this paper, the histological structure of Reevese's Butterfly Lizard's digestive system was observed on paraffin sections stained with HE. The results show that digestive tract from esophagus through intestinum crassum is made up of four concern tric layers, mucosa, submucosa, muscularis and serosa respectively. The thickness of muscularis is different in different parts. The muscular layer of stomach (about 658.0μm) is the thickest and intestinurm tenue (about 126.8μm) is the thinnest. The number of crinkle is different among digestive tubes. There are 27-42 crinkles in duodenum with height of 733.2 μm, while only 3~11 crinkles in intestinum crassum with average height of 484.2μm. The epithelium of digestive tract is simple columnar cells except that of esophagus is stratified spuamous epithelium. There are large quantity of goblets cells in e.sophagus (927/mm^2 ) and intestinum crassum (899/mm^2), and many color cells with a lot of dense granular in hepar. The centroacinar cells and islet of langerlans of pancreas are poorly developed. The lobulation is not distinct in hepar and pancreas. So the conclusion is that the structure of digestive system of Reevese's Butterfly Lizard is adaptive to its food and ccology, which is undeveloped compared with birds and mammals.
领 域: [生物学]