机构地区: 华中科技大学计算机科学与技术学院
出 处: 《广东技术师范学院学报》 2005年第4期89-91,共3页
摘 要: 在分析当前网络和多媒体技术应用的基础上,提出了一个高等职业院校多媒体网络教学系统方案. 重点对重修、选修课程系统进行分析与设计,从逻辑上将该系统分成相互有机联系的信息资源层、教学应用层和实用工具层三部分.根据易用、友好的界面原则,设计主要界面并阐述各界面实现的功能. In this paper, a multi-media network system based on the modem network and multi-media technology is constructed as a solution programme provide for the polytechnic colleges. Focusing on designing the system for selective courses and retake-courses in a scientific way, the divided the system into three closely-related parts : information and sources, teaching application and useful tools, author design the main interfaces of the system and set forth the function of each interface according to the principle of using-easily and friendly.