机构地区: 华南理工大学
出 处: 《石油化工》 1995年第12期875-878,874,共5页
摘 要: 以多孔玻璃管为基体,制备4种用于正丁烷氧化制顺酐的膜反应器。在一定的操作条件下,考察了固定床反应器与这4种膜反应器在正丁烷氧化制顺酐中的反应性能并加以比较,发现YSZ膜反应器可获得高于固定床反应器的选择性和收率。 Four kinds of membrane reactors were made with porous-glass as basic material The reactiveproperties of these membrane reactors and fixed bed reactor were studied and compared.The YSZmembrane reactor was found to be the best one with highest selectivity and yield in the oxidationof n-butane to MA.
领 域: [化学工程]