机构地区: 华南师范大学地理科学学院地理科学系
出 处: 《热带地理》 1995年第2期168-174,共7页
摘 要: 本文阐述了信息对发展旅游业的重要性,并着重对信息工作在旅游业中的作用问题进行探讨.同时介绍了我国目前旅游预订网络系统的发展概况,提出完善网络系统的建议及其队伍的建设。 ourism information has only been studied in China for a short time. From the trend of tourism development, the functions of information work in tourism are as follows: 1)providing information about tourism policy, management, dynamics, etc. for tourismscience research; 2) providing new methods or special investigation regorts for the policymaking body; 3) providing summing-up information about forming group, booking rooms,food and drinks, etc. for travel services and hotels. Tourism information can be obtained through retrieveg the books and newspapers about tourism, and asking for the bulletins and data published by the international or local tourism organizations in China and abroad.At present, the Inter-China Tour-reserving Network (INT ) has linked with theinternational communication network. In the INT emphasis has been put on the information about reserving hotels or restaurants, while less attention paid to that of tourism resorts,scenic spots, travel lines, travel trasportation, or tourism price, etc., It is proposed that the tourism management departments at different levels and enterprises should take positively part in the network, and provide tourism summing-up information for it. So the networksystem could be improved and linked with the international market.