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Synthesis,Structure and Properties of Amphoteric resins

作  者: ;

机构地区: 华南师范大学化学与环境学院化学系

出  处: 《离子交换与吸附》 1995年第5期460-464,共5页

摘  要: 本文提出互贯法合成两性树脂比其他合成法有更多优点,这类两性树脂的强碱弱酸型及强酸弱碱型最为通用。它们在一定条件下都能形成内盐,可用红外光谱等检验。详细讨论了有关两性树脂结构与内盐键形成条件和强度的关系以及内盐型两性树脂吸附电解质的特性。 All kinds of apophoteric resins may be synthesized by copolymerization, copolycondensation or interpenetrating method, the last is more useful. The amphoteric resins in intrasalt form were certified by IR spectrum,if IR peaks of amine and carboxylic acid of the resins are 1630 cm-1 and 1710cm-1 respectively, the amphoteric resins will not be in intrasalt form.The dependences of intrasalt formation on the structure of resin and conditions of medium are discussed in detail. The ionogenic pk, solution pH and concentration are the main factors which control the intrasalt formation.The sorption mechanism of electrolytes on amphoteric resins in intrasalt form are devided in to two processes which are molecular sorption by breakdowm of intrasalt bond and ion exchange.

关 键 词: 两性树脂 合成 吸附 结构 内盐键

领  域: [化学工程] [理学] [理学]




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