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A report on breeding of Agrostis stolonifera new strain Yue Xuan No.1

作  者: ; ; ; (郭伟经);

机构地区: 仲恺农业技术学院农业与园林学院

出  处: 《草业学报》 2005年第4期42-46,共5页

摘  要: 对粤选1号匍匐翦股颖新品系在形态特性、坪用性状及耐热性等方面进行了研究。结果表明,与原品种Penncross相比,新品系植株叶片短、窄,叶鞘短,叶舌小,叶舌形态明显不同于原品种,匍匐茎和直立茎节间短、茎细;新品系植株的匍匐茎生长速度较慢,但具有非常强的分蘖能力,能形成非常致密的草坪;新品系的质地、颜色、盖度、均匀性、地上生物量以及综合喜好等坪用性状指标均优于原品种。此外,从生理抗性来看,在干热胁迫下(除轻干热胁迫38℃、相对湿度65%下处理4h外)新品系叶片的质膜相对透性小,而湿热胁迫下叶片失水较快,新品系具有更强的适应高温高湿的能力,是一种具有广阔应用前景的高尔夫果岭草坪草。 A Agrostis stolonifera, Yue Xuan No. 1, was selected from Penncross--eulrivar in old golf green. In this paper the morphological character, turf character and hear resistance of Yue Xuan No. 1 is reported. Results showed the leaf blade and the sheath of Yue Xuan No. 1 ro be shorter and narrower than the original Penncross--culrivar, and rhar the ligulc of Yue Xuan No. 1 is smallcr and differs significantly from Penncross. The inrernode of the stolon and erect tiller of the new strain is shorter, and the stcm thinner. The spreading growth of the stolon of the new strain is slower, bur has a higher tiller number and can therefore form a very compact turf. Moreover, the indexes of turf quality suchas texture, color, covering, uniformity, aboveground biomassand synthesis value of the new strain were all shown to be better than that of Penncross. In addition, the relative membrane permeability of the new strain under drought and hear stress (except light drought and hear stress under 38℃. relative humidity 65% for 4 h) is lower. and the water lose rare in leaves under wet hear stress is faster. As a result the new strain can better adapt to high temperature and dampness, and can widely be used as a good turf grass for golf greens.

关 键 词: 匍匐翦股颖 粤选 号新品系 选育 形态特性 坪用性状 耐热性

领  域: [农业科学]


作者 何雪英
作者 赵红叶
作者 傅秉潇
作者 王艳蓉
作者 管劲松


机构 中山大学社会学与人类学学院
机构 五邑大学图书馆
机构 华南理工大学
机构 广东外语外贸大学
机构 中山大学


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作者 吴晨
作者 张琳
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作者 吴肖林