机构地区: 广东警官学院
出 处: 《涪陵师范学院学报》 2005年第4期23-25,共3页
摘 要: 从《七月》和《希望》的编辑过程来看,胡风是一位聚精英立场、民间情怀、大众意识诸多要素于一体的杰出的编辑家,这些要素增强了“七月派”作家的向心力,也与国统区和解放区的主导思想产生了对抗。 In the course of compiling July and Hope, Hu Feng showed himself as a prominent editor with the standpoint of an elite,feelings of folk and consciousness of mass which not only added to the centripetal force of School of July, but also antagonized the ideologies of the Koumintang dominated area and the liberated area.
领 域: [文学]