机构地区: 江西农业大学农学院
出 处: 《江西农业大学学报》 1995年第4期361-367,共7页
摘 要: 对万年贡米、赣优晚、南城麻姑米、井冈红米、油粘子等名优水稻品种的6个特异品质性状(胚乳淀粉粒径、脂肪含量、游离氨基酸总量、蛋白质含量、赖氨酸含量及米粒延伸率)按Griffing方法1固定模型进行了配合力分析。结果6个性状在组合间均存在着真实的遗传差异,所有性状的一般配合力方差及特殊配合力方差均达极显著水准,表明本研究中基因的加性效应和非加性效应共同决定这些性状。其中胚乳淀粉粒径、脂肪含量、蛋白质含量、赖氨酸含量以加性基因效应为主,另2个性状以非加性基因效应为主;除游离氨基酸总量外的各性状反交效应均不显著,只受核内基因控制。同一品种不同性状、同一性状不同品种的一般配合力效应及特殊配合力方差都有很大差异,同一性状不同组合间的特殊配合力效应差异亦很大。根据一般配合力效应,特殊配合力效应,特殊配合力方差及其相互关系对供试的几个名优水稻品种进行了具体评价,并讨论了在配合力方面亲本选配的问题。供试品种中万年贡米在所研究的6个性状的育种中具有较大的利用价值。 The combining ability of six distmctive quality characteristics,(diameter of endosper-mous amyloplast,fat content,total content of free aminoacid,protein content,lysine content and rice grain extending percentage),of the famous quality rice varieties in Jiangxi province such as Wanniangongmi,Ganyouwan,Nanchengmagumi,Iingganghongmi,Youzhanzi,etc,was analysed by the way of the fixed pattern of Griffing' s method 1.The results indicate that the slx quality characteristics haye real genetic difference among their crosses,the vari-ance of GCA and SCA of the six characteristics reach extremely remarkable statistical level.It means that additive gene effect together with non-additive gene effect decide these charac-teristics.Additive gene effect mainly decides these characteristics:diameter of endospermous amyloplast,fat content,protein content and lysine content,while non-additive gene effect decides the other two characteristics,All the back-cross effects of the characteristics are not up to remarkable statistical level and are controlled by genes in cell nucleus except for that of the total content of free amino acid.Different charactistics of the same cross and different crosses of the same characteristic have great difference in the effects of GCA and the variance of SCA.The effects of SCA of different crosses of the same characteristic are also greatly dif-ferent.According to the GCA effect ,SCA effect ,SCA variance and their correlation,several farnous quality rice varieties have been appraised and the selection of parents considering their combining ability has been discussed. The six characteristics of Wanniangongmi studied in the experiment have greater utilizable value among these experimental varieties in breeding.
领 域: [农业科学]