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Analysis and disposal of the line-broken malfunction of OPGW on 500 kV Jiangmao II circuit

作  者: ; ; ;

机构地区: 广东电网公司

出  处: 《电力系统通信》 2005年第8期13-16,21,共5页

摘  要: 500 kV江茂乙线光纤复合架空地线自投入运行后出现了频繁的断股故障,给电网安全运行带来了很大影响。文章介绍了对该OPGW断股故障原因的分析和处理过程,从该OPGW运行情况介绍、断股原因的初步判断、召开OPGW技术及应用研讨会邀请专家讨论到收集OPGW样品进行检验分析和耐雷击性能试验分析等,最后得出雷击是造成该OPGW断股主要原因的结论,并根据此结论对该OPGW进行了更换处理。同时,文章还结合工作实际对OPGW的设计建设和运行维护管理提出了看法和建议。 The line- broken malfunctions on the Optical fiber composite overhead ground wires( OPGW )on 500 kV Jiangmao II circuit occurred frequently since running. The malfunctions have affected electric power network safe running. This article introduces the analysis and disposal of the line-broken malfunctions. According to following aspects, such as the running status of the OPGW,the primal estimate about the causation of the line-broken malfunction ,convoking the proseminar for the technology and application of the OPGW, and amassing some samples of the OPGW for test and study of anti-lightning performance etc. finally the conclusion is educed that the lightning strike induces the line-broken malfunction, and based on this conclusion part segments of this OPGW has displaced. According to the fact, some propositions for the devising, operating and maintenance management about OPGW are presented.

关 键 词: 断股故障 断股分析

领  域: [电子电信] [电子电信]




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