作 者: ;
机构地区: 广东轻工职业技术学院
出 处: 《中国文学研究》 2005年第3期26-30,共5页
摘 要: 互文性概念是解构主义批评话语的重要词汇,包括语篇互文性、内互文性、文本间互文性以及文本与文化语境的互文性。互文解构主要指两个方面的含义:首先,互文关系代表的是与“影响”相对立的平等、互动意识,直接消解了中心的存在;其次,当互文观念被引申为“寄生”、“嫁接”、“延异”、“播撒”时,任何文本就都失去了确定的中心意义。但是,虽然是一个解构主义概念,互文性也具有强大的建构作用。互文性对于文体模式、文本语义结构、文本语义以及互文符号的“话语霸权”的建立,都具有重要意义。对互联网时代的网页文本的互文分析,突出地表明了互文性的解构、建构双重功能。 Intertextuality, a key word of post - modernist crltlcism, has been widely used in decoustuctionalst cultural as well as literary criticism. However, the constructional significance of intertextuality has long been ignored. It is thus suggested that intertextual links have much to do with the establishment of literary genres, discoursal meaning structure, textual meaning,and even the discoursal power of intertectual signals. A case study of wehpoge texts of the Internet well illustrates the decoustructional and constructional functions of intertextuality.
领 域: [文学]