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Study on synthesis of multi-micronutrient fertilizer ammonium ferric hydrogen phosphate by solid state reaction

作  者: ; ; (黄映恒);

机构地区: 广西大学化学化工学院

出  处: 《无机盐工业》 2005年第8期18-19,共2页

摘  要: 以聚乙二醇-400(PEG-400)为模板,以硫酸亚铁和磷酸二氢铵为原料经低热固相反应合成了磷酸氢铁铵多元微肥,用热重/差热(TG/DTA)、X射线衍射(XRD)和红外光谱(IR)对其主要产物进行分析表征,结果表明该主要产物为微溶的磷酸氢铁铵。该合成方法除了得到微溶的磷酸氢铁铵外,还可得到可溶的硫酸铵或者硫酸氢铵,这些产物均是肥料,显然在实际应用中,用本合成法合成微肥时,无需分离,其产物混合物就可以作为肥料使用,不仅合成的工艺甚为简洁,而且生产过程没有废水的产生,无论是从工艺上,还是从环保上均比液相法具有优势,是一种颇具工业应用前景的合成法。 Multi -micronutrient fertilizer ammonium ferric hydrogen phosphate was synthesized by low heat solid state reaction with FeSO4 and ( NH4 ) H2PO4as raw materials, PEG -400 as template. The main product was characterized by TG/DTA, XRD as well as IR. The results indicated that the main product was slightly soluble ( NH4 ) Fe ( HPO4 ) 2. Soluble ammonium sulphate or ammonium hydrosulphate was got beside the main product from the synthesis. For the products are all fertilizer, so it is obviously that mixture of the products of the synthesis can be used as fertilizer without any separation during practical application. For the processes of the synthesis are not only very simply but also without any waste water produced, the synthesis is a much more prospect industrial method compared with liquid method in view of processes or environment protection.

关 键 词: 微肥 磷酸氢铁铵 固相反应

领  域: [化学工程]




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