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Farmer's perception and response towards grain-for-green program and eco-environment based on participatory rural appraisal

作  者: ; ; ; ; ;

机构地区: 国土资源部

出  处: 《生态学报》 2005年第7期1741-1747,共7页

摘  要: 采用参与性农户评估方法(PRA)对黄土丘陵区107户农户进行了分层随机抽样调查,并根据研究区内地形等条件将所调查农户分为旱地农户和川水地农户两组,就目前农户对退耕还林还草政策的态度及农户对生态环境的意识及行为的异同进行分析比较。尝试从农户行为角度研究区域发展问题,并基于对农户行为的分析,对区域相关政策制定、实施以及生态环境建设等提出相关建议。研究表明:研究区农户对于土地依赖性较大,旱地农户表现尤为突出,大多数农户对于退耕持支持态度。农户进行的相关水土保护措施,很大程度上并不是农户经过决策后有意识的自觉行为,而是农户为了保证基本农业生产,采取的相应的对策所产生的效应。在土地管理及水土保护措施方面,除了相关的种植措施外,旱地农户更多倾向于通过工程措施来获取好的回报,而川水地农户更多注重于现有土地质量的管护,来进一步提高现有耕地的质量。农户对于环境重要性的认识较为明确,川水地农户认识要比旱地农户更充分一些。与10a前相比,近80%的农户认为当地的生态环境有所好转,然而近45%的农户在生产活动过程中根本不考虑对生态环境的影响,两组农户之间差异不大。超过55%的农户认为生态环境恶化首要原因是气候的影响,干旱是关键因子,其次是过度放牧(24.5%)和水土流失(22.5%)等,两组农户对于生态环境恶化原因的认识具有较大的差别,旱地农户认为生态环境的恶化主要原因是干旱和水土流失,而川水地农户认为生态环境的恶化主要原因是干旱和过度放牧。 This paper presents an area-level analysis of farmer's perception and response towards Grain-for-Green Program and eco-environment in the loess hilly area, The analysis is based on a survey of 107 farm households by means of participatory rural appraisal, According to the nature physical conditions, such as topography, land use etc, , all the surveyed farmers were divided into two groups, farmers of non-irrigated farmland and farmers of irrigated farmland, to compare their similarities and differences of perception andresponse towards Grain-for-Green Program and eco-environment, This paper attempted to study the issues of regional development from aspect of farmer's behavior, Based on the analysis of their behavior, some development strategies in the study region are proposed, The results indicate that most farmers' living is mainly dependent on cropland, especially for the farmers of non-irrigated farmland, The majority of farmers hold a positive attitude towards the Grain-forGreen Program. Soil and water conservation is not a conscious and voluntary behavior for farmers, but a measure to guarantee their basic agricultural production and improve their living conditions. The farmers of non-irrigated farmland prefer engineering approaches to agronomic methods because they can get much more benefits. However, the farmers of irrigated farmland pay much more attention to improve farmland quality. As far as the importance of environmental conservation is concerned, the farmers of irrigated farmland have a more favorable attitude towards it than the farmers of non-irrigated farmland. The majority of interviewees (nearly 80 per cent) consider that the local eco-environment is better than ten years before. However, nearly half of the respondents (45 per cent) never consider the environmental impact when arranging agricultural practices. Over half of the respondents (more than 55 per cent) thought that drought is the main reason of eco-environment deterioration; overgrazing and serious soil erosion is fo

关 键 词: 参与性农户评估 黄土丘陵区 退耕政策 生态环境

领  域: [经济管理] [农业科学] [农业科学]


作者 罗光帆
作者 霍艳莲
作者 肖雪峰
作者 薛明黎
作者 刘颉颃


机构 暨南大学
机构 华南农业大学经济管理学院
机构 华南农业大学
机构 华南理工大学
机构 中山大学


作者 李振义
作者 吴晨
作者 张琳
作者 丁培强
作者 吴肖林