机构地区: 南京航空航天大学
出 处: 《航空动力学报》 1995年第3期270-271,共2页
摘 要: 在大量的外场统计和空测的基础上,对某教练机发动机的外场使用载荷进行了分析研究,推导出了其使用任务循环,并与MIL-STD-1783进行了对比分析,为国产同类新型教练机发动机的设计任务循环的预测奠定了基础。 The main objective of this study is to establish a method for deriving engine mission duty cycles.Seven typical training profiles of a trainer engine are recorded.The flight mission mix is obtained from statistics of the trainer engine operations on fields.Based on the typical flight mission profiles and the mission mix,the mission duty cycles of the trainer engine are derived which can be used as a design load requirements for a new trainer engine.This study showes that due to short average flight time,a great difference exists between the mission duty cycles of the trainer engine and the design requirements of Engine Structural Integrity Standard (MIL-STD-1783).
领 域: [航空宇航科学与技术] [航空宇航科学技术]