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Evaluation on the Establishment Potential of Wheat Dwarf Bunt with Bio-Ciimatic Analogical Distance Model

作  者: ; ; (章正);

机构地区: 北京农业大学

出  处: 《北京农业大学学报》 1995年第2期127-131,共5页

摘  要: 小麦矮化腥黑穗病是一种检疫性外来危险病害,其入境潜在可能性极高。本文提出用生物气候相似距模型,采用生物地理气候指标,以国外小麦矮化腥黑穗病的流行地区之一的华盛顿州斯波坎为中心与中国各地麦区进行生物气候相似距计算,从而预测此病在我国不同麦区定殖潜在可能性程度。根据相似距计算结果,将我国麦区发生此病的危险程度划分为5个区域,即①极高危险区、②高危险区、③局部发生区、④偶发区、⑤低危险区。 Dwarf bunt of wheat,Tilletia controversa Kuhn,is a hazardous exotic pathogen of quaran- tine significance,assessment based on 5 factors showed that the Entry Potential of this pathogen ranked very high;a model of Bio-Climatic Analogical Distance was developed,using Spokane,WA,U.S.A.,as a climatic sample of disease epidemic,based upon the calculation of the bio-climatic analogical distance be- tween Spokane(as center)and various wheat growing areas in China,using Bio-Geographical Climatical Index,assessment of various grades of risks of the Establishment Potential of Tilletia controversa was made,namely:area of very high risk;area of high risk;area of sporadic attack;area of incidentally at- tack;and area of low risk were ranked.

关 键 词: 生物气候 相似距 小麦矮化 腥黑穗病

领  域: [农业科学] [农业科学] [农业科学] [农业科学]




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