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中国黄土 ̄(10)Be研究进展

作  者: ; ; ;

机构地区: 中国科学院广州地球化学研究所

出  处: 《地球科学进展》 1995年第6期590-596,共7页

摘  要: 80年代中期,中国和瑞士科技工作者开始联合进行黄土 ̄(10)Be研究。建立了黄土 ̄(10)BeAMS测量的理想流程,发现了 ̄(10)Be在黄土地层良好保存性等重要地球化学行为特征,确认了黄土 ̄(10)Be研究具有重要意义。对洛川黄土剖面0.4~138m段600多个样品进行了 ̄(10)Be测定,建立了2.5Ma以来大陆堆积物同位素记录曲线。地磁极性倒转期间, ̄(10)Be浓度平均增高20~25%、持续20~30ka。洛川、西峰黄土剖面 ̄(10)Be变化与深海沉积物δ ̄(18)O变化之间均存在极好相关性,据此建立了75万年以来黄土地层相对 ̄(10)Be时标;黄土堆积速率与各时期 ̄(10)Be沉降通量之间亦存在良好的线性相关关系,据此可望建立 ̄(10)Be绝对时标。探讨了Raisbeck峰事件、 ̄(10)Be/ ̄(26)Al比值等在黄土地层定年中的应用前景和途径。引入物理意义明确的“磁性物质通量”概念,建立了 ̄(10)Be—磁化率模型,定量估算出磁化率中降尘和成壤两组分相对贡献,求得洛川区域S_0、L_1、S_1三时期年均降水量。精确测定了黄土石英中“就地”成因 ̄(10)Be含量,获得不同时期黄土源区侵蚀速率。 In the middle of 1980’s,an effective procedure for ̄(10)Be measurement in loess by AMShas been established.Some important geochemistry behaviors such as good preservation of“Be in loess strata have been observed,showing obviously that the investigation on ̄(10)Be inloess would be very significant.A total of more than 600 samples from the upper 0.4~138m of the Luochuan section was analysed for ̄(10)Be concentrations and an isotopic curve ofcontinental deposition since 2.5 Ma has been established. Relative increase of 20~25% of ̄(10)Be concentration within 20~30ka duration are observed in the vicinity of the geomagneticreversals.The linearity of relationship between accumulation rate and ̄(10)Be flux of loess isalso astonishingly good.It reveals a new way for the dating of loess strata. Both the eventof Raisbeck peak at 35000 a BP and ̄(10)Be/ ̄(26)Al ratio have been studied,which are expectedto be new dating methods for loess strata。 Based on ̄(10)Be susceptibility model with a newconcept of magnetic material flux,pedogenic ferromagnetic material flux in Chinese loesshave been estimated quantitatively and average paleoraiiifall values in Luochuan regionhave been calculated.The concentrations of in situ cosmogenic ̄(10)Be in quartz from loesshave been measured accurately and the erosion rates of the source regions have also been calculated.

关 键 词: 黄土 地球化学

领  域: [天文地球] [天文地球] [天文地球]


作者 柏宇亮


机构 暨南大学
机构 暨南大学文学院
机构 香港中文大学


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