作 者: ;
机构地区: 佛山科学技术学院
出 处: 《中国陶瓷工业》 2005年第3期47-53,共7页
摘 要: “八五”运动以来,西方现代、当代艺术在中国传播的加速等多种因素,形成了中国当代陶艺发展的时代背景。本文从中国当代陶艺的“现代性”入手,旨在探讨对待西方现代、当代艺术的正确态度,以及传统陶艺与现代陶艺的关系等问题。作者认为:中国当代陶艺的“现代性”转型过程,不仅仅是在新的历史背景下,对当代陶艺进行具有时代特征的,符合现代人审美与价值趣味的有益探索的过程,而且也是对西方现、当代艺术进行取其精华、去其糟粕的过程,同时也是处理好传统陶艺与现代陶艺之间对抗与联系的过程。 The spread of the western modern art and contemporary art in China has accelerated since the 1985 intellectual movement in the art community. Such factors as these constitute the backgrounds for the development of Chinese contemporary ceramic art and its manifestation of modernity is inevitably influenced by them. This thesis explores modernity in Chinese contemporary ceramic art for the purpose to develop a right attitude to the western art and the relationship between Chinese traditional and modern ceramic art. It is concluded that modernity in Chinese contemporary ceramic art not only involves considerations to the needs of contemporary people's aesthetics and the interests of the new age, but also means the absorption of the quintessence of the western art to the exclusion of all its dross, the preservation of the distinctive characteristics of our native culture and the appropriate treatment of the contradiction and connection between Chinese traditional and contemporary ceramic art in the process of modernization.