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Phenomena of Medial Syllable Swallowing in Tianjin Dialect

作  者: ; ; ;

机构地区: 新加坡国立大学

出  处: 《语言科学》 2005年第4期66-75,共10页

摘  要: 华北官话区的京津一带,在比较随便的场合,本地人说话常出现含混不清的一种状态。这种现象我们沿用外语教学界的术语“吞音”来指称它。到目前为止,从语言学角度来描写、分析北方话中吞音现象的报告并不多。本文试图通过对天津方言吞音现象的描写以及分析来加深对这个语言现象的认识。通过调查发现,吞音现象虽然含混,但仍可听辨与记录;看似混乱无章,然而内中不乏规律性。本次调查纪录了570多个的三字组与四字组的口语常用的词语。天津方言的吞音最常见的是三字组的吞音。在吞音状态下,最容易发生变化的是第二个音节,其次是第一个音节,最末音节最稳定。吞音是一种共时音变,是语流音变中出现的一种弱化形式。吞音现象在生成音系学上有特别的研究价值。 It has often been observed that in casual, friendly conversations, speakers of Northern Mandarin gabble their syllables. Adopting the graphic terminology used in western language teaching, this paper shall refer to this phenomenon as Syllable Swallowing. Here, we attempt at an initial description and analysis of this hitherto rarely investigated phenomenon. Our investigation of 570 tri-and quadro-syllabic utterances intimately familiar with our informant turns out some very systematic patterns. Our observations lead us to conclude that stability in syllabic positions is ordered: Final syllables are most stable; initial syllables less so and, medial syllables most volatile. The phenomenon of swallowing is synchronic and is of significance to the field of generative phonetics.

关 键 词: 天津方言 吞音 共时音变

领  域: [语言文字]



机构 暨南大学华文学院
机构 汕头大学文学院


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